Elevate Your Spaces, Captivate Your Guests

At Wildmedesigns, we specialize in transforming rental apartments into captivating, one-of-a-kind experiences through bespoke mural art.

Our mission is to partner with serviced accommodation providers to enhance the visual appeal and ambiance of their spaces, creating unique and eye-catching environments that leave a lasting impression on guests.

Our Approach:

Distinctive Artistry:

We bring your spaces to life with custom mural art tailored to your accommodation's aesthetics, elevating their appeal and setting them apart in a competitive market.

Guest-Centric Design:

We understand the importance of guest experience. Our murals are designed not only to be visually striking but also to evoke emotions and create memorable stays for your guests.

Seamless Collaboration:

From concept creation to execution, we ensure a smooth and hassle-free process, from ideation to installation.

Curious to learn more about me? Visit the 'About' page for insights into my background.

What we offer:

Unique Selling Point:

Incorporating bespoke murals into your rental apartments can serve as a unique selling proposition, attracting guests seeking distinctive and memorable stays.

Tailored Solutions:

We tailor our services to align with your brand, vision, and the atmosphere you wish to create within your serviced accommodations.

Explore Our Portfolio:

Browse through some of our works to witness the transformative power of our mural art in diverse spaces:

Old Caravan Revival in Farnese, Italy

I journeyed to an off-grid haven in Italy to breathe life into their aging caravan, a haven for guests and visitors. Transforming the rusty shell into a vibrant, joyful piece of art that seamlessly blends with the atmosphere of the place.

Community Center Enhancement in Bratislava, Slovakia

Tasked with enhancing the entrance hall of the Skalna Ruza community center, I created a mural capturing the essence and goals of the center. Now, all guests and visitors are welcomed by this warm, inviting artwork.

Bedroom Transformation in Stupava, Slovakia

Feel like your plain walls lack character? I transformed a luxurious, minimalist bedroom into a stunning piece of art. Our design showcased two opposing face profiles, representing feminine and masculine elements, subtly nestled within a mountain landscape.

Airbnb Apartment Uniqueness in Bratislava, Slovakia

Commissioned to create an all-encompassing mural artwork depicting iconic Bratislava landmarks, I used an elegant black-and-white style that harmonized with the interior of a serviced accommodation apartment. Witness for yourself how it elevated the space!

Let’s collaborate!

Interested in exploring how our mural services can elevate your serviced accommodations?

Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and discuss the possibilities of enhancing your rental spaces with captivating murals.

If you prefer a written word - contact me via e-mail katarina@wildmedesigns.com or here.

Check my instagram gallery: